जागृती > #3

Chapter 3: In the village square, Rajeev and Unni engaged in a debate about the sanctity of caste traditions. The air crackled with tension as their conflicting ideologies clashed.
Unni, my dear friend, I understand your reverence for our age-old customs. But tell me, does our caste system truly promote fairness and equality among all?
Rajeev, my respected elder, our caste system preserves the harmony and structure of our society. It ensures that everyone knows their place and upholds the order of things.
But Unni, does it not perpetuate discrimination and withhold opportunities from those deemed 'lower' in the hierarchy? Is it fair to deny someone their dreams based on birth alone?
Rajeev, we have remained steadfast in our beliefs for centuries. Our ancestors knew the value of each caste and assigned roles accordingly. It is the tapestry of our heritage.
I respect our heritage, Unni, but I question whether the worth of a person should be determined solely by their birth. Shouldn't it be based on their character, abilities, and achievements?
Rajeev, our caste system is a reflection of divine order. It gives structure and stability to our society. Changing it would bring chaos and turmoil.
Unni, progress comes from questioning and challenging the status quo. We must evolve with the times, embracing equality and inclusivity. Our traditions can be beautiful, but they should not be binding chains.
Rajeev, I fear that your progressive ideas may shake the very foundation of our society. We should be cautious before embracing change so recklessly.
Unni, progress does not come without risks. It is in questioning that we find answers, and in challenging, we reshape our world for the better. Our society must evolve, or it will perish.
Rajeev, I may not completely agree with you, but I respect your passion for change. May the divine guide us towards the path that is right for our village.
And may we find common ground, Unni, where tradition and progress can coexist harmoniously. Only then can our village truly thrive.