High School Girls


High School Girls (女子高生, Joshi Kōsei, also known as Girl's High) is a Japanese manga series, created by Towa Oshima, which was originally serialized in Futabasha's Weekly Manga Action magazine from 2001, and then subsequently Comic High! from 2004. It was adapted in 2006 into an anime television series, entitled Joshikōsei Girl's High (女子高生 GIRL'S-HIGH, Joshikōsei Gāruzu Hai), which premiered in Japan on April 3, 2006, and completed its 12-episode run on June 19, 2006. It was produced by Genco, animated by ARMS, written by Hideki Shirane, and directed by Yoshitaka Fujimoto (director of the anime Cyber Team in Akihabara and Nuku Nuku TV). A Girl's High PlayStation 2 video game, Joshikōsei Game....