Gakuen Heaven is a Japanese media franchise that originated from the Windows game Gakuen Heaven: Boy's Love Scramble. The story revolves around Keita Itō, an average high school boy who is accepted into the elite Bell Liberty Academy. In a school filled with talented individuals, Keita struggles to discover his own unique qualities. The franchise includes various games, drama CDs, manga, and anime adaptations. The sequel, Gakuen Heaven 2: Double Scramble, follows Yuki Asahina, who becomes the student council president at the academy despite having no remarkable skills. Yuki must uncover a conspiracy while forming relationships with his fellow students. The manga adaptation, written by You Higuri, explores Keita's relationships with different romantic interests. The series premiered on Toku in the United States in January 2016. Overall, Gakuen Heaven is a story about friendship, love, and self-discovery set in a prestigious boarding school.