Elemental Gelade


Elemental Gelade is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Mayumi Azuma. It is a fantasy adventure that follows a group of five on a journey to Edel Garden, the birthplace of mystical beings called Edel Raids. The manga series has been adapted into an anime television series, light novels, video games, and drama CDs. The story is set in the world of Guardia, where Edel Raids co-exist with humans. The protagonist, Coud Van Giruet, is a young sky pirate who teams up with an Edel Raid named Reverie Metherlance and three guardians to protect her. They face many villains who seek to capture Reverie, as she is a rare and powerful Edel Raid. The series explores themes of war, adventure, and the bonds between characters. The anime adaptation aired in Japan in 2005 and was licensed for North American distribution by Tokyopop and Geneon Entertainment. The series has gained popularity for its engaging storyline and unique characters.